Answer: The school has a program “You are a guest” for those who want to try out or stay in the city for less than 60 days. Parents who want to register their children to participate in this program need to pay tuition fees for at least 1 week (equivalent to 5 lessons).
Answer: With the “Immersion” method, students at Sunshine Maple Bear do not learn English but learn in English with diverse activities: Circle time, Math, Language, Visual Arts , Science … The “Language Absorption” method helps children to naturally acquire English like native children, giving them the ability to memorize words, use sentences, and reflect English immensely. effective. Moreover, teachers teach students in the form of small groups to help them firmly grasp knowledge and maximize their potential.
During the learning process, the school periodically conducts tests, evaluates students’ abilities and sends the results back to their families so that parents can grasp their child’s progress.
Answer: Every school year, the school will organize show case activities close to the classroom so that parents can register to attend the class with their children. The school will send a specific schedule notice to parents 1 week before so that parents can arrange a convenient time.
Answer: The school’s food source is provided by a reputable clean food company. The school’s kitchen follows a one-way kitchen process and ensures absolute food hygiene and safety. Students’ meals are prepared in a variety, rich and nutritious manner with a menu of 4 different weeks/month and 2 savory dishes/main meal.
Besides, on holidays, the school will prepare a buffet so that the children have the opportunity to experience modern eating patterns as well as get to know and enjoy new dishes.
Answer: The school provides one-way and two-way transportation for students attending the school. In case the family wants to let their children use the shuttle service, please register with the school at least 02 weeks in advance so that the school can coordinate and arrange suitable bus routes for your child.
Answer: The school has a late-care service. Parents who wish to send their children to school after 17:15, please register with the Admissions Counseling department. Note, the School does not accept childcare after 18:30.
Answer: In addition to the fees that are clearly mentioned in the School’s Financial Regulations, you do not need to pay any other fees during the time your child attends the school.