2021 – 2022 is an extremely volatile school year for students in Kindergarten, especially 5-year-olds. At this age, children need to go to school to familiarize themselves with and recognize letters and numbers, and practice independence skills to step into a new school – primary school. However, due to the complicated epidemic situation, the children did not go to school for a long time. Necessary operations were not carried out. Therefore, the appearance of GO WITH ME Club is like an open door for you. This is an environment that helps children have the opportunity to interact with teachers and friends, and at the same time, supplement their lack of knowledge to be ready for a new journey.

With the Math program, students get acquainted and explore with basic shapes, numbers from 0 to 10; Compare more, less, equal; Distinguishing greater than sign; smaller; equal; Know the position in space and get acquainted with some forms of mental math. From there, it stimulates exploratory thinking, creativity, familiarity with the world, applying mathematical knowledge to life, helping students love numbers and math. The lessons are designed with a variety of activities, the children can play interesting game shows, which both help them have a fun and exciting atmosphere and help them grasp the key knowledge easily. the motto “learn to play – play to learn”.

The Vietnamese program gives students: Recognize the letters of the alphabet; ligatures; initially forming spelling and reading skills; have the skills to hold a pen, know how to type according to the correct technique…. From there, help children love learning about letters and enjoy learning Vietnamese. “Graduation” of GO WITH ME class is also when the cubs can confidently communicate, spell letters and feel confident for studying in grade 1.

The English program exposes children to standardized English from the beginning to easily access higher levels that meet the standards of the Maple Bear English program. The subject also provides useful age-appropriate vocabulary to help children initially use basic vocabulary and simple sentence patterns. Children will be bolder and more confident in an English-speaking environment; develop thinking, language and form life skills through the integrated English learning method (integrated subject topics: Mathematics, Science, age-appropriate intellectual and motor games, stories, songs, etc.) elicit higher-order thinking.

GO WITH ME also focuses on forging independent skills for children, because the teachers of Sunshine Maple Bear Primary School understand very well how the Primary environment is different from the Kindergarten environment. Therefore, in addition to teaching knowledge, teachers also skillfully integrate life skills education and integration skills with the primary environment for children through different activities to equip students with Necessary skills to help children feel confident when entering a new environment.

GO WITH ME has brought a lot of joy and experiences to the children as well as to the Parents when preparing to send their children to 1st grade. What are you waiting for? Quickly register to join the GO WITH ME class 2 with the topic READY with the teachers of Sunshine Maple Bear Primary School to experience extremely interesting lessons together!
Registration link: HERE

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